Perhaps in no other area of the law is a highly conscious, holistic approach needed then when dealing with the potential breakdown of a marriage or family unit. Our adversarial court system, and typically adversarial approach of most lawyers, largely fails to address the deep causes and far-reaching implications of intra-family conflict, especially those involving children.
My holistic divorce approach, as well as my training and experience as a licensed psychotherapist, facilitates clarity on how to proceed with major decisions that must be made at this point in one’s life. Prior to developing a concrete legal strategy, I work with you to help identify and loosen the grip of learned conditioning and habitual reactions that may have brought about or exacerbated your current marital conflict. In so doing, we can identify far more creative solutions to better serve the long-term interests of you and your family.
In situations involving children, I can also meet with you together with your kids to help address their fears and insecurities during this uncertain time, and encourage their participation in this process to ensure that their best interests are the impetus in the strategy we develop moving forward.
To facilitate this grounding and clarity, I offer counseling sessions to my law clients in conjunction with my legal representation. Even if you do not wish to participate in psychotherapy, however, you will find my approach to be more understanding and compassionate than other attorneys with whom you may have previously dealt. I believe that challenging life situations such as divorce present optimal opportunities for personal insight and growth, and I will support you along these lines in addition to providing practical legal representation.