Holistic Philosophy Law Practice Mindfulness Random Thoughts

What Is A Holistic Lawyer?

In an industry as shrouded in mystery and misinformation as the legal industry, most anything out of the ordinary is met with a fair amount of skepticism.  The public is confused enough when trying to define a “lawyer” versus  “attorney” or “esquire.”  When I introduce the concept of “holistic lawyer” to people, usually it is […]

Holistic Philosophy Law Practice Mindfulness Random Thoughts

Mindfulness, Compassion, and Legal Challenges

Having lived in an area of Oakland, California for nearly ten years that is plagued with homelessness, graffiti, illegal dumping, and other manifestations of urban malaise, my ability to accept situations around me and embrace all others with compassion is challenged on a daily basis. So much of the behavior on the streets surrounding our […]